Classes & Entry Fees
We offer a variety of classes to cater to archers of all skill levels and a variety of equipment type.
Register NowPro Class - $100 Entry Fee
For competitive archers looking to test their skill against the best shooters.
A Class - $20 Entry Fee
General rule of thumb is ages 13 and up
Experience varies but typically is for more experienced shooters.
B Class - $15 Entry Fee
General rule of thumb is ages 12 and up
Beginner experience
Single String - $20 Entry Fee
For barebow and recurve archers.
Payback: 100%
Every dollar collected from entry fees is paid back to the winners.
Pro Class, A Class, & Single String
1st – 60%
2nd – 30%
3rd – 10%
4th - $100 gift card
B Class
1st – 40%
2nd – 30%
3rd – 15%
4th – 10%
5th – 5%
6th - $25 gift card
9am - Practice Time
The range will be open for practice starting at 9am on the day of the event. Practice is free to all registered participants.
10am - Tournament Begins
At 10am the tournament will commence with archers being assigned a lane based on class and registration numbers.
There will be a 30 minute break between the 1st and 2nd round.
Equipment / Facilities / Code of Conduct
Archers must use a manufacturer produced arrow shaft no larger than size 2712 (10.7 mm, .422” diameter
No bow racks will be provided; archers must use their own bow stand
Code of Conduct – all participants and spectators are expected to follow the Shrewd Outdoors Code of Conduct. Any person(s) found in violation of the Code of Conduct may receive warnings and/or be disqualified from the event. Discretion of enforcement is applied based on individual circumstances as brought to SO staff and judges.
Qualification Rounds / Competition Rounds
60 arrows from 18m at a 40cm target face w/ inner X's scored as 11's; Maximum possible score of 660
All divisions will have a choice between a 40cm 3-spot triangle or a 40cm single spot target face.
Archers are required to replace their target face at the judge’s discretion; target faces may not be altered or repaired
Archers are required to replace their target faces after 5 ends of scoring
Qualification Rounds will have 2 ends of official practice before scoring begins
Qualification Rounds will be timed at 2 minutes (120 seconds) for 3 shots
- Archers will switch shooting order and target placement at the half (10 scoring ends), top targets will move to the bottom and bottom targets will move to the top
- Archers in CD position will shoot first throughout the qualification rounds. This improvement will provide the best lighting options for all archers (bottom targets always shoot first)
Procedures regarding arrows shot out of time:
- For archers shooting a single spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing their highest scoring arrow of that end
- For archers shooting a 3-spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing that arrow of that end (ref. rule 4.7b)
- If an archer shoots more than the designated amount of arrows in an end, they will lose their highest scoring arrows and the lowest three scoring arrows will be recorded
- Arrows traveling entirely past the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot and will be scored as a miss
Scores will be kept on a paper scorecard, arrow calls are made by the majority of the group.
- Scorecard must be carefully totaled and signed before being turned in as the final scorecard. Scores for top qualifiers will be rechecked.
Do not touch any arrow or target face until all arrow values have been called and recorded accurately
- Archer may request a Judge if he/she disagrees with the group call; the Judge’s arrow call is final.
- Archer must number (1, 2, 3) each spot on their target; Arrows will be shot and recorded in this order
- Single Spot targets will be scored in order of lowest scoring arrow to highest.
Ties are broken first based on score, then on # of 11’s, # of 10’s, then finally with 1st arrow out of highest scoring ring
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th arrows missing the 11 ring will be used to break ties with the archer shooting clean w/ 11’s the longest, wins
- Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot
- Archer may miss up to 2 ends during their Qualification Round for equipment failures; arrows will be made up at the judge’s discretion during the same qualification round
- Archers must use the target pins that are supplied at the targets by Shrewd Outdoors
Qualification Results, Cutoffs, and Rankings
Results and ranking for the Qualification Round will be announced once scores have been calculated.
Qualification placement cutoffs for Elimination Rounds in each division will be the top 16 archers.
In the event of a tie where two or more archers shoot a perfect score of 660 a shoot-off will take place following the last qualification scoring line. Archers will use the same type of target face they used during their qualification rounds. Archers will be given one end of regulation timed practice. A new target face will be hung for each archer in the center of their bail after each end. Archers will shoot two ends for score, the highest total end score after the two ends are complete will determine their ranking. If the tie remains between any archers after the second end of scoring, a closest-to-center single arrow shoot-off between those archers will determine the archers ranking. If more than two archers are involved in the shoot-off, the archers’ ranking will be determined based on how close their arrows are to the center of the chosen target spot. The archer with the arrow closest to center will rank first, the archer with the second closest arrow will rank second, and so on. Any arrows that are measured within one millimeter of each other will be reshot.
Elimination Match Format
Pro Class, A Class, Single String Class, B Class
- Top 16 qualifying scores advance to Eliminations and will shoot a 6 Arrow Olympic Bracket Style Elimination (2 ends of 3 shots - #1 vs #16, #2 vs #15, #3 vs #14, etc.)
- 1/8 Elimination Match consists of the top 16 shooting 2 ends of 3 shots (6 arrows).
- 1/4 Elimination Match consists of the top 8 shooting 2 ends of 3 shots (6 arrows) cutting the field to 4 Shoot-Up Finalists that will be re-ranked by total score from Qualification, 1/8 and 1/4 Eliminations.
- 4 Finalists will engage in Shoot-Up Matches on the Finals Stage with #4 vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1.
Elimination Match Rules
All Elimination matches will be timed at 2 minutes (120 seconds) for 3 shots
Two ends of practice will be given at the beginning of your division’s first elimination match.
Archers in CD position will shoot first throughout the elimination rounds when there are 4 archers per bale. This will provide the best lighting options for all archers (bottom targets always shoot first)
Ties are broken based first on score, then on highest # of 11’s, and finally with a 1 Arrow Shoot-Off closest to center
Procedures regarding arrows shot out of time:
- For archers shooting a single spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing their highest scoring arrow of that end
- For archers shooting a 3-spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing that arrow of that end (ref. rule 4.7b)
- If an archer shoots more than the designated amount of arrows in an end, they will lose their highest scoring arrows and the lowest three scoring arrows will be recorded
- Arrows traveling entirely past the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot and will be scored as a miss
- Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot
- No provision for equipment or physical failure can be given during any Elimination match
Shoot-Up Finals Divisions Format & Ranking
Pro Class, A Class, Single String Class, B Class
- Top 4 archers ranked 1st through 4th by total score from Qualification and Elimination Matches
- Ranking ties are decided based on total 11s, then by the archer who shot clean longer during qualification
- #4 vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1
- Archer’s ranking will move up as Shoot-Up matches are won; archers can only lose one place if their first match is lost
Shoot-Up Final Rules
All Shoot-Up matches consist of 4 ends of 3 (12) arrows
All Shoot-Up arrows are timed at 30 seconds for each shot
Archers will remain on the shooting line during their entire Shoot-Up match
- Shooting order will proceed as follows: The higher ranked archer will choose their position on the platform at the start of the match; they will also choose to shoot first or second. Beginning with the second end of scoring, the archer currently leading the match will have the choice to shoot first or second. If there is a tied score at any point during the four standard scoring ends, the choice to shoot first or second will go to the last archer who chose the shooting order
Shots triggered after the buzzer will not score; arrows traveling beyond the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot
Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot
No provision for equipment or physical failure can be given during any Elimination or Shoot-Up match, archers may have necessary backup equipment with them in the finals area
Archers in the Shoot-Up Finals can choose to shoot for the 12-ring; a 1.5cm white dot located at six o’clock below the gold in-between the seven and eight ring on the target face
Archers must call the 12-ring before shooting it, otherwise the 12-ring is invalid and the arrow will be scored in the ring that it lays
Archers can only shoot and call the 12-ring once per end, once the 12-ring is shot the target will be replaced with a new target
Maximum possible score of 136 (if a 12 is shot in each end)
Unofficial score is first read by spotter/scorer, the Classic Judge’s call is official
All tie scores are broken by 1 Arrow Shoot-Off (2 shots by score, then 3rd shot closest to X/11 ring)
In all ties the 12-ring is in play for 1st & 2nd arrows, archers must call the 12-ring prior to shooting that arrow, 3rd arrow is scored closest to X/11-ring
All archers shooting in the finals must have at least 6 arrows with them to alternate 3 & 3 during finals